I’m so happy that you have stopped on by to follow life’s journey with me. Life has always been finding the joys in the simple things while not being afraid to embrace who I am. Interests abound for me from all things science, to being creative, doing crafts, reading, baking, exercising, being outdoors, and don’t forget traveling the U. S. (just to name a few). Life is full of adventure big and small, and I love to enjoy it all. My home is my sanctuary; great pleasure is found in just being here with family and friends. Living only 3 miles from where I grew up, affords me the opportunity to be close to family. Blessed to be living on land that has been in my family for generations, I surround myself with nature, animals, and memories every day.
But how did I get to be the Lori you see today. It started out growing up in a home that valued family, relationships, faith, and experiencing the world in all its forms. My parents traveled with me as a child, and am so glad that I have been able to share some of the same places we visited with my kids, and some I experienced with my family first hand. As a child, school was my love, so I studied to become a high school science teacher. Before realizing my dream of teaching, I worked in a furniture factory and food industry science lab. Once I graduated, I taught high school and college science. Meanwhile, I married a lifelong, neighborhood friend. As you can see our friendship turned into something more. Motherhood became my ultimate lifetime career. I am blessed with 3 children which I have and continue to homeschool. My home and property are not just filled with people, they are filled with animals. We have a dog, Opal, who is my pride and joy, along with a variety of rabbits, ducks, turkeys, and of course our herd of goats.
Life is full here. Through the joys, challenges, triumphs and struggles, life has brought me here. Come along for the journey as we experience all that life has to offer; may it add to yours.