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Actions speak louder than words.
Just let that sink in for a minute. You might be saying, “Yeah, yeah, we all know that,” but have you really contemplated what that means. I try to remind myself often, but it is harder than it sounds.

When I was a kid, my parents and relatives would remind me of this saying to reinforce to my growing mind that what I do carries so much more weight than what I say. When we really take the time to ponder those 5 simple words, we realize, even as adults, we have to remind ourselves almost daily that what we do, how we respond, and how we act on our convictions matters.

Whether you would classify yourself as religious or not, I think most of us could agree that there are some fundamental principles in this world that we can all agree on.

We want people to treat us with kindness, we want people to respect us, we want people to be gracious with us (getting something good even when we don’t deserve it). The list can go on and on. All of these truths are rooted in Christianity as well.
I feel fortunate to have grown up in a Christian family where our actions are guided by our lessons in faith. This has given me a road map for life. Under no circumstance, do we feel we are superior to the next person, but it does require us to try and “act” on our Christian principles. I am like every other person; I make mistakes and don’t always act like I should. I have been on the end of needing forgiveness just like anyone else. I know I need to rely on God because I am flawed. Through Him, I know I am loved unconditionally no matter what. Even when it is hard to love ourselves, we can rest in the knowledge that God loves us and will forgive us of any of our mistakes. He is the example for us when we need to be reminded to love and forgive others when they might have done us wrong. He is the perfect illustration of how we should try and navigate our life.

Faith challenges us to be better, to live better, and to try and make the world around us better. Faith is believing in something that we can’t yet see, but know exists. Because of this knowledge, we can live our life with courage. Faith allows us to be filled with encouragement because we always have someone in our corner. We can also be the light for someone else, perhaps when they need it the most. The joy that fills us up can be shared and given away to the people we encounter every day. Faith doesn’t make us weak; it makes us stronger because we know that our reward is not immediate, but it is so worth pursuing. We don’t have to be quoting scripture to everyone we meet in order for them to know we are a follower, but our actions should be the only thing they need to see.

People should be able to tell by watching us, listening to us, and seeing how we live that we are guided by a different compass. That we are trying to live differently—hopefully a little more gently. The only way I can try and get it right in this life is with His hand guiding me and leading me.
Our actions surely show people how we are choosing to live, but we can do this in a fun and spirited way. Haven’t guessed how we can do that yet? Well it’s simple, through our clothing! I have found a company that does this beautifully, and I can’t wait to share them with you.
Love in Faith is a Christian, US based company that creates apparel with faith-based messages and sentiments. I discovered them and love their clothing besides their sincere appreciation for their customers. They have the cutest styles and sayings. Some are seasonal while others are universal. Recently, I ordered myself some of their shirts because I just couldn’t resist their designs. I was so impressed with the quality and service that they have gained a new and loyal customer.
If you are looking for a shirt that is super soft, comfortable and don’t forget stylish 😊, then you have surely found your next favorite company. I can’t wait to get my shirts for the Christmas holiday season. I love great fashion, and when I can share a message of positivity, hope and faith while I’m wearing a great, stylish outfit, then I have hit a home run!
Follow this link and use the coupon code LIFESRAMBLINGROAD20 to save 20% off your order at the checkout. Use the link and code–share them with family and friends. Let’s join together in loving great fashion while expressing a message of faith. This is truly one of the simplest ways we can bring hope, light, positivity, faith and in turn love to the world.
Go don’t wait!!! and save by using LIFESRAMBLINGROAD20. See you there!
What cute clothes! Great post!
Thanks so much Alyssa. Hope you get to check out their line of clothing. The designs are so much fun.
Great idea, cute shirt.
Thanks so much.
Love the line of shirts! And it’s so important to remember actions are much louder than words 🙂
Glad you enjoyed them as much as I did. They have such a great line of clothing.
That t-shirt is cute…love the design.
Thanks so much. I’m so glad I found this company. They make sure neat clothes.
I love that shirt! So cute! Great message! Have faith!
Thanks. This company has so many great designs.
Thank you for the reminders and inspiration!
Glad it spoke to you.
Super cute shirt! I agree, we should let our actions show our faith and love for Jesus!
Glad you love the shirt. I agree with you all the way.
Such a cute shirt, with a great reminder!
Glad you like the shirt as much as I do. I think it is often the simple things in life that can send us the best message.
Thank you for the message reminder and the tshirt link!! Looking for a specific Christmas message shirt. I’ll check it out!!
Glad you are excited about them as well. They have many wonderful Christmas message shirts. Can’t wait for mine to come.
Actions definitely speak louder than words. The world needs more kindness, especially this week!
Yes indeed. Our actions often lead people to understand our character.
Congratulations on your clothing line! I agree that living a life of faith and grace will always be an amazing life! Thank you for your inspiring words!
I’m glad you love this clothing and company as well. Living a life of faith is transformational.
There is nothing worse than “religious ” people who are all talk with actions that prove otherwise.
I agree. It is always good to remember that we must humble ourselves and realize that we all make mistakes and are not perfect but we must strive to be the best we can be.
Great inspiration! Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks so much. Glad the message was an encouragement to you.
Great article… a good reminder for people, especially in this day and age. Love the shirt too!
Thanks. Glad the message spoke. It is a good reminder for all.
Thanks so much. I’m glad that you enjoyed it and it sure is a good thing for us all to remember. Glad you loved the shirt. They have so many wonderful designs.
Thanks so much.
Couldn’t have said it better! Cute shirt 🙂
Thanks so much. Glad you enjoyed the post and the shirts.
Children learn so much more from behavior and actions than from words. I love this!
You are so right, and I try and remind myself of this often.
I completely agree, faith really does make us be better and gives us a higher standard to live by.
For sure. I am glad you enjoyed my post.
Such a cute shirt! And an important post. I sure wish more people aligned their faith and their actions. It truly would change the world.
Thanks so much Cindy! I appreciate your comments. I wholeheartedly agree with you!
Having faith is so important. Cute shirt!
Thanks so much. I agree with you.
Great words to live by and it’s nice to be able to spread them with the world on a shirt. They are super cute.
Thanks so much. I agree. It can be a subtle way to show our faith.
Your article made me think of one of my favorite phrases: “preach the gospel to everyone, all day long, and only when necessary, use words.”
Thank you for your insights.
That’s a great phrase! Thanks for sharing it. I’m so glad you enjoyed my article.
What a great reminder! I did not “act” Christian-like yesterday and now I’m feeling guilty! Thank you, Lord, for loving us even when we don’t deserve it!
That is the beauty of faith and the Lord. We can be forgiven and keep working on being better, but every day is a new opportunity for growth. We all need grace.