Quotes are some of my favorite snippets to read. There is so much wisdom in just a sentence or two. It can put life in perspective and give us something to ponder. So today will be the first quote in a continual series that I will share and reflect on. I hope my words will be enlightening and give us all some time together to contemplate how we can positively impact our world around us.

When I found this quote, it really struck a chord down deep because we all know people who look at life with a negative skew. Maybe you work with some, or have family or friends like this, perhaps it’s some stranger you met out and about or maybe it’s you. I’m by nature a very positive person, so I can completely relate to the truth in this statement. I full heartedly believe that if we view our circumstance in a negative light that is all we will see. By simply focusing on what’s wrong all the time we become negative people. It is hard to feel positive and in turn happy when we are consumed by what is all wrong around us. Little irritations can turn into something larger and more negative than need be. It truly is a matter of perspective. I view my life as generally positive. Does everything go right in my life? Not hardly, but when life throws me a curveball, I don’t immediately think my life is terrible or simply dwell on all the negative aspects of that particular situation.

Within every circumstance, we can learn something and see the blessings. Yes, you read that right, blessings. Even when bad things happen, there is always something positive that usually emerges. We might notice the kindness of a person, it might open our eyes to all we have around us that is right, or give you the freedom to make a change, produce a realization that our plight is perhaps not as bad as someone else’s, or that God is simply closing a door for us to eventually be led to something we never even knew was possible. No, I don’t walk around thinking that everything that happens to me is great, but it is all in my perspective. I choose to look for the good and not focus on the negative because the negative just leads us to a spiral of bad feelings.

When we focus on the negative, how do we feel? Usually not well; we might feel down in the dumps or crabby. This just perpetuates more negativity. This can become a way of life if you let your mind go to that default every time something doesn’t go right. I know I have many blessings in my life big and small no matter what my circumstance. Do I want somethings to be different in my life? Sure. I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t think that once in a while.

However, by focusing on the positive in each situation, I believe that I’m rewarded with far more blessings than I ever would be if I just chose to focus on all the negative. When you focus on the negative, there is no room for the good to permeate. You don’t even see it or even look for it much less let yourself entertain the thought that there might be something good to be found. Our minds are powerful; they can dictate how we perceive a situation. If I believe that my life is positive, then I can’t have a negative mind that leads me down paths that make me think otherwise. Within any given circumstance even bad ones, there can be something positive that comes from it. Focus on the good, see how that simple act makes you feel internally as well as how it changes how you view your life. If this is not your practice, it might take discipline to change your thoughts, but it is possible to change. It’s truly amazing how good life can really be. Join me on the journey to a positive life and mind. See how positively this can change you and those around you. Go make it your best life yet.
,I couldn’t have been said any better!
Thanks Judy! Hope it spoke.