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What does the word “thank you” mean? Those two simple words can make such a difference for the person receiving the thanks. How many of us wish we would be thanked by our family for the simple things we do every day? So, if the simple act of saying thank you can make someone feel appreciated, and we would like it in return too, shouldn’t we be more apt to say thank you?

I’ll be honest over the years especially when I was a kid, I thought writing a thank you note was redundant when I got a present because I had thanked the giver in person several times, so I felt it an unnecessary task to write it. I did however take the time to write thank you notes when needed. Perhaps it made a difference to the recipient to be told again.
Over the years, I have read stories about people who took the time to send a note of thanks to people who impacted their life. It got me thinking, maybe I should do this. Some people choose to do this all the time whenever they think of someone or when someone comes into their life in an impactful way.

Others have decided to do this as a tribute for a particular birthday. I was inspired by the birthday tradition; honoring those who made a difference in my life to celebrate my special day. A birthday gift of sorts to myself. These could be people like a teacher, neighbor, co-worker, family member, friend, acquaintance and the list could go on and on. Perhaps it is someone I don’t even see that much anymore, but at the time they made a big impact in my life. I have thought about how impactful this could be for the person who receives this letter. Perhaps they never even knew that they made that much of an impression on my life. Wouldn’t we all be in awe and appreciate this kind of thanks. So, this year in honor of my birthday coming in June, I have decided to write thank you letters to those who have come into my life at different times and for different reasons.

Throughout my life, I have received notes from people who thanked me for taking part in a project, being a helper, and as a teacher. It was so wonderful and humbling getting these little notes and was something I treasured. Most often, I didn’t even realize that what I did impacted the other person that much. I want to share this joy with others who have been impressionable in my life.

I have finally decided to quit thinking about doing it and finally make a commitment to do it. Time can pass so fast and good intentions are just that—good intentions. Without actions they are nothing more than a glimmer in my thoughts. I ask myself, why would I wait to thank someone for what they have done for me when I have it within my power to take a few minutes out of my day to compose a letter?
So, to start this project, I am going to make a list of people I would like to thank. Once I have my list, I will designate a certain amount of people I would like to send out in a week. My goal is by my birthday, to have completed my list of thank you’s.

Some of you might be thinking, I would love to do this, but I just don’t have the time to do it. How many of us have a few more minutes in our day than we think we have? Do you sit on your phone or computer and check out your social media accounts, play games, or sit in front of the TV and watch your favorite show? You might have spare minutes while you wait in your car for your children; you get the idea. Instead of spending as much time on those activities, carve out some of that time to write a thank you note. Especially during this time of quarantine, we have more time than ever before. Now is a great time to take action.

Instead of typing out my letters, I think there is something even more beautiful about a handwritten letter. It communicates without words the appreciation you have for them because you took time to “compose” a letter. In this digital age, the art of handwriting is being lost and I believe it’s something worth keeping alive. This is a perfect opportunity to do just that. There is something precious about being able to look back at someone’s handwriting especially when they are gone; it’s a tangible piece of them we can keep with us.
Since I wanted to hand write these notes, I was on a quest to find some beautiful note cards to complement my message. I headed on over to Amazon which yielded a huge selection of blank note cards. Follow the link below and check it out for yourself. Note Cards&index=aps&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=xm2&linkId=f86658e8615c77304c61b43100d27b8c I spent some time looking at the variety available, and believe me the choices are endless no matter what your preferences might be. I placed my order with excitement. I can’t wait until later this week when my order will arrive so I can begin my project. By the weekend, I hope to have a least one letter sent out. I have a feeling this will be a real growing experience for me.
I challenge you to take up this project and see how it impacts your life. Comment below and let me know how this has changed or inspired you. Whenever we give, often we get more in return. It will feel good to finally have taken the time to thank people whom I have wanted to tell for awhile how much they have meant to me. I will no longer live with the possibility that I missed my opportunity to tell someone in this life how much they meant. No more excuses for me; the wheels are in motion for my project to begin. Join me in this challenge. Let’s spread joy and thanks through this world one note at a time!
In this day and age of sending a quick email or text we seem to have lost that personal touch of sending a hand written note and really connecting with someone. This is something that has become so rare and lets face it everybody, no matter how young or old you are, everyone enjoys receiving a note or card. Then to find out somebody took the time to write something just for them, what a special feeling you’ve just given them. During this unusual time in all of our lives you never know when a simple note will lift someones spirits.
Thanks so much Judy. You words are very thoughtful and you never know when your quick note could be uplifting to someone. During this time in our lives when close contact can’t be made, this is surely a way to still reach out to people in a meaningful way.
they say if the only prayer you ever say is ‘thank you’ it is enough…
I think those words are powerful, maybe even more powerful than I love you…
You are very right; there is something very moving and changing about the impact of true gratefulness. We should never underestimate there power.
We make a lot of notes/cards at our house, mostly birthday cards. Two things it does for us is help make someone’s day and an outlet for creative energy that gets put to good use. Thanks for the reminder to send some snail mail.
What a fun project for you and how much more personal those cards are for your recipients knowing you made them. How wonderful.
I teach my kids that there is nothing like a hand written note. They now do this naturally and it always receives a great response from the recipient. It’s something that they don’t forget because it’s so different. I am trying a similar challenge to write a note to someone weekly but I have given in so that in order that I can accomplish it sometimes I send a text. lol I compromised but it is so much better hand written. Great way to make a difference in ppls lives.
It is so wonderful to hear about people keeping this tradition alive. Blessings to you and your family.
That’s very special and I know the recipients will be so excited! I love an unexpected handwritten note!
I hope so. Thanks for your encouragement.
I had to sigh when I read this. I totally believe in writing thank you notes and never do it! I know it is terrible! I even made my kids do it growing up! I think this is something that is going by the wayside and it should be so important! If more of us commit to it maybe it will come back. A text is just not the same!
I know. All our quick messages can be fun, but there is still something special about receiving something written by someone and getting it in the mail. A time old tradition that still hold treasures for us today.
I love doing (and receiving) thank you notes! I agree, time to take the time to do this more often – thankful for all my co-workers right now during this crazy time!
We all have many things to be thankful for at this time. So wonderful that you take the time to send the notes.
Though we are in this digital age, I still send handwritten cards and thank you notes. I also make sure my kids do the same.
That’s so wonderful. It’s great to keep the written age going as well. Besides it means so much to people.
This is a very interesting piece. Sometimes the words “thank you” just roll off the tongue without even thinking about its true meaning.
So true. It is easy maybe to not take it for what it is really intended.
My mother in law is so good at writing out thank you cards. I have tried but I am hit or miss.
I know the feeling. Honestly, I have to remind myself to take the time to spread the thankfulness. That is why I took up this challenge.
I love the idea of expressing gratitude to people who made an impact on me as a new birthday tradition. What a great way to celebrate a birthday!
This is the gift that truly keeps on giving.
I still have hand-written notes and cards from my best friend who passed 13 years ago from breast cancer. I’m so thankful I have those to help remember her.
I still have some from my grandparents and love to connect with them through my memories.
Beautifully written! I live receiving letters in the mail! I think you are so right… I need to do more personal touches for others!
Thanks so much Holly. There is something special about receiving unexpected mail.
Thanks for the THANK YOU inspiration!
Thanks Angela. Glad you enjoyed it.
What a great idea! I think finding the perfect design for a card would make me want to write a million thank you cards to every person I’ve ever met.
Thanks Eva. Hope you can find a perfect design so you can bless others.
I require my boys to write hand-written thank you notes for gifts. It is so important that the giver of the gift receive proper “thanks” and it provides a time and space for the receiver to truly appreciate and think about the persons thoughtfulness with the gift! I agree!
Thanks Barbara. It’s a great tradition.
It’s always such a pleasant surprise to receive a card or hand written letter or note these days. Lovely suggestion!
Thanks Suzan. Glad you enjoyed the article.
This is a lovely idea. Thanks for the reminder to show appreciation for the people in our lives!
Thanks for reading Julia. It is always good to be reminded to appreciate others just like we would want them to do for us.
My family is huge on thank you cards. I have always written them for any event where we have received a gift. I also make sure to thank my husband for everything he does for me, even if it’s grabbing a toothpick. The same goes for coworkers. Be polite, grateful, and respectful.
That is so wonderful. I know I have to remind myself to thank people for just doing the ordinary for me. I know I appreciate it so I want to be better about appreciating others as well.
Handwritten notes, cards, and Thank Yous definitely make someone feel extra special! This is such a great project!
Thanks Kendra. Glad you enjoyed the article.
This is a great idea!
Thanks so much Alice. I hope it was inspiring.
What a beautiful idea. I have a teaching partner who fully believes that you haven’t adequately thanked someone unless it is hand written. Thank you for this article! 🙂
Thanks for your kind words. It has been so wonderful to hear all the stories from people who find the importance and beauty in writing thank yous.
Expressing gratitude is so beneficial, to the recipient and to the one saying thank you. Well done. I love the dragon fly notecards too!
Thanks so much. This has been a real joy for me to do. The dragonfly cards are some of my favorites.
Ever since my kids were little I have been working with them on sending thank you notes to others. Even before they could write words, I would have them draw a picture, or use stickers or stamps. Now that my oldest is 11 he brings me the nicest thank you notes that he has written and it comes so easily to him because it’s always been a part of his life. So far we have only been sending thank you notes for specific things such as after receiving a gift, or after being invited to someone’s house for dinner, etc. I like the idea of expanding it to general thank yous, ie thank you for being in my life, or the impact you’ve made on me, etc. I will have to start implementing this in my life as well as my children’s lives. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much for your inspiring words. That is such a wonderful tradition you have started with your children when they were younger. I love the idea of young children sending pictures to thank people. How wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
I love getting handwritten thank you notes, but aside from wedding, baby shower, and graduation thank yous, I’ve never sent my own! I feel quite inspired by your post, and make take up the challenge as well!
I’m so happy that this message inspired you. I hope you will join me on this challenge to spread a little thankfulness.
Thank you notes are a meaning way to send a special feeling. Both the sender and the receiver walk away with a special feeling of love. Great post.
Thanks Shirley. I couldn’t agree more. It’s such a simple thing but oh so powerful.
Great post. People so appreciate a hand written note. It’s so unusual these days.
Thanks Sandi. It is unusual but I hope it can make a bit of a comeback.
I love giving and receiving thank you notes especially written ones! I think it’s good to show some effort in expressing your appreciation.
Thanks Jill. I do think it means a bit more when it is handwritten. The extra effort can make such a difference.
Thank you is such a powerful word!
Thanks Lina. A small word that carries with it such a powerful message.
Really informative article. thanks!
Thanks Dannie. Glad you enjoyed the message.
Wow, I like your post!
Thanks so much!
I feel like thank you notes have become a bit of a dying breed. Thank you for the reminder of how important they can be.
Thanks Cindy. Glad you found value in the post.
I have always been a big fan of thank you notes! Thanks for sharing
Thanks Lisa. Glad you enjoyed it.
My parents drilled it into me about writing Thank You notes for gifts. Sadly, I have not done as well with my children. Nor, have I done an great job of keeping up on this into adulthood for myself. Maybe because they made it seem like such a chore rather than explaining it the way you did. Nicely done! Time to dig out my stationary.
Hi Charlene. Glad this message spoke. It is so easy to forget to write a simple note. I know I have just like most people. It is a good reminder though of how impactful it can be.
As a child my mom made me write thank you notes so as an adult I carry a guilt of never getting to those thank you notes. I have one Aunty that reminds me she still hasn’t received her thank you note so I always write to her so she stops bugging me. lol. But I’ve been a horrible mother about getting my kids to write thank you notes. I like the idea of just thanking a person out of the blue. I think maybe I could do this with my children! Thank you!!!
Thanks Ruth. I know life can get in the way of our good intentions. Glad you enjoyed this post.
Handwritten thank you’s are definitely the way to go. We always have our kids make their own cards too that way it is even more thoughtful.
That’s a neat idea Stephanie. Thanks for sharing.
Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.