Don’t you just love it when you find authors or podcast host that are inspiring? I know I do. Jon Gordon is one of those favorites for me!!! He writes outstanding books which I personally have read many of them and they are winners for sure! Besides being a fabulous author, he hosts his own podcast called Positive University.
His podcasts are so inspiring. I love to listen to them and get my soul tank filled up. Jon is all about being positive and living positively on purpose because it truly changes your life.
It wasn’t until I heard a podcast by Ruth Soukup where she interviewed Jon Gordon that I learned about him and his journey. Since then, I have listened to countless podcasts hosted by him where he interviews different people. With every one of his guests, there is some truth or wisdom that can be taken away as a way to enrich our lives.

As you may remember from an earlier post, I had never really been into podcasts. However, now I am a podcast junkie. I love to fill time that would normally be occupied just with mundane chores and saturate the silence with podcasts. It’s a win-win. I get my chores done and I get to load my mind and life with great insight.
This latest podcast with Jon Gordon and Jamie Valvano was really exceptional. Please take the time to listen to this podcast. I truly believe you will find it enriching.

They really delve into what it means to live with intention. It surely got me thinking about how our days march on, but I’m not sure how many of us really think about how our actions or how life choices could be impacting others. Sometimes we may be so overwhelmed with day-to-day activities that not much thought goes into how we are living. I’m not saying we have to analyze every portion of our lives, but are there things we are doing to positively impact our lives and those that we encounter. Sometimes it’s the small things that we do that can make a huge difference in how we view a circumstance. Do we even stop to think that there are people watching how we react to circumstances good or bad? Our actions are often the best teachers and we often don’t even know that people are learning from us.
Jamie’s Story from Youth
Jamie Valvano grew up with a famous Dad—Jimmy Valvano the NC State Head Coach. I’ll be honest, I had no idea who her Dad was. She grew up in a community and nation where a lot of people knew her father. She had a great relationship with him, and was inspired by his tenacious life. She admired the way he lived with great intention and zeal.

One story she tells is about how her father carried an index card around with his big life goals written on them and would cross them off when he had achieved them. When I heard this story, I thought what a neat idea. You know in today’s world of technology, there is something so tangible about physically writing down your goals on a small slip of paper and carrying that around with you as a constant reminder of what you want out of life.
Even when Jamie’s father was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he still lived his life with intention in order to not only maybe benefit him but others as well. He lived a life with intention and in turn left a legacy behind.
Jamie’s Story into Adulthood
Jamie is choosing to live intentionally and in turn has impacted so many people as well. She has learned from her father as well as her son. She has been through trials of her own just like many of us and has chosen to respond in such a way that will be a benefit to herself and others.
Teachable Moments

Life gives us all kinds of ways to teach us. We can learn through our own lives—the good and bad. We can learn through other’s wisdom by listening and being willing to internalize their lessons. Learning for us today can happen in so many different ways. One truly powerful way is to listen and absorb the stories people are willing to share. Soaking in the wisdom they have learned is one of the easiest ways to improve our own lives. By being open, we can be a better version of ourselves.

We might not have the platform some people do where many are watching how they live their life, but we all have people who surround us often or some for just a short time. Never forget, that during those encounters people are watching. What will they pick up on about how you live your life? You might be surprised. You never know who or when you are making a difference in someone else’s life. Be humble and live with intentionality!
The Podcast and Additional Resources
Head on over and listen to this podcast. I am sure you will find value in it’s message. While you are there, you might find another podcast that would be of interest.
Also, if you are interested in reading some of Jon’s books, check out some of the one’s I have read already. They are easy reads packed with a powerful message.
Comment below and let me know what your take-away’s were. I would love to hear from you.