My Journey through Proverbs

Man reading the Bible
Bible open to Proverbs

As the new year gets underway, often we are inspired to make resolutions or lists of things we want to accomplish or change as the year plugs along.   I have often done this because I find it helpful in focusing on a few things I would like to accomplish during either the month or the year.  This year I decided to start out doing something that I have been thinking about for a while.  Now, I’m putting it into action.  I hope you follow me on this journey and find something inspiring along the way.


Some time last year, I had read somewhere (and honestly, I can’t remember where) that if you read a chapter of Proverbs a day, by the end of the month, you would have read the entire book of the Bible.  This idea gnawed at me since.  Well, you know how life can go, I kept putting it off.  Not anymore.  This December, I read the Book of Luke using the same process of a Chapter a Day and I was done reading it on Christmas Eve.  I really enjoyed the process and vowed I would now follow through and do it with Proverbs.

Woman with book open on her legs

You might be wondering, why Proverbs?  Well, Proverbs is a book of wisdom. 

  In fact, in Proverbs 1:2 it states that it will teach you wisdom and self-control and how to understand saying with deep meaning.

This book in the Old Testament was written mostly by Solomon who was the son of King David.  He specifically asked God for wisdom during his reign as King.  God granted his request.  This book is a compilation of wisdom truths that we can apply to our every day life.  It is a guide for us to live a more God centered life.  We are to rely on the wisdom of God in the text as well as the wisdom of our elders.  So, I figured what a great way to start the year out with some wisdom principles that can guide me through my life.  A life centered on Christ can only lead to a better life throughout the year.

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Join Me!

Join me in this series as I explore some of the wisdom nuggets that struck a chord with me.  I will discuss my thoughts on how they apply to life. I don’t profess to be a Bible scholar and haven’t been trained in theology. These are simply my humble interpretation of the meaning of the verses as I have seen it.  Your interpretation may be varied and that’s okay.  I do believe God wants us to wrestle with the ideas in His written word no matter our background. I encourage you as well to pick up your Bible and join me in reading a Chapter a day. I would love to hear from you on what truths you have found and what impact this has made for you. 

446097: NKJV Beautiful Word Bible, Large Print, Hardcover NKJV Beautiful Word Bible, Large Print, Hardcover
Bible with praying hands

There will be several posts that journey through the Proverbs.  I will focus on several chapters at a time.  These will be verses that popped out to me.  Perhaps you will find others that speak to you.  That is the beauty of the Bible.  It meets us where we are and speaks to us in different ways.

You can follow me on Facebook as well to see additional verses that I also find meaningful.

Chapters 1-3: 

Bible Translation CEV (Contemporary English Version)

364102: CEV Challenge Study Bible, Imitation Leather CEV Challenge Study Bible, Imitation Leather

Proverbs 1:32  Sin and self-satisfaction bring destruction and death to stupid fools.

As I read and pondered this verse, it got me thinking about how self-centered our lives can be.  If we follow the mantra of the world, we are told constantly to do what we want to do.  But if we look at this verse, it got me thinking about what destruction and death can mean.  Obviously, there is the literal translation that could surely occur if we really sin in a terrible way.  However, we all sin and can seek self-satisfaction on a “not so dramatic” level.  If we become so self-absorbed that we put our needs above everyone else’s and don’t care to think about others, we surely can cause destruction and death. It could be death of a friendship, or maybe our integrity, or our word or commitments. When we look at it in this light, this is pretty serious!  God knew we need people.  If we need people, so do others.  We can be the person someone needs.  If we are so worried about our self-satisfaction, then we surely aren’t living out this wisdom principle.  If we are there for others, often, others will be there for us. 

Coin money poured out in black and white

Proverbs 2:4  Search for wisdom as you would search for silver or hidden treasures.

Now many of us would spend a fair amount of time in earnest searching for silver or hidden treasures if we were given clues as to where to find them.  I wonder how many of us would make the same concerted effort at seeking wisdom?  I wonder how many of us even would have thought about seeking wisdom in that context?  I know I did not.  Then the next question should be, why not?  If we seek wisdom, it will help us make better decisions.  We are given the clues as to how to be wise and that is through the Scriptures.  If we seek God’s counsel and truly search for wisdom in our lives, then the result is surely better than silver and hidden treasures.  We will have a life centered around Christ.  We will seek him for guidance in our decisions, and we in turn will be better people. Who doesn’t want to have that kind of treasure?  I know I do.

Proverbs 3:30  Don’t argue just to be arguing when you haven’t been hurt.

How many of us know people who are argumentative or just plain negative.  Maybe we can see that in ourselves.  Don’t get me wrong, we can all have our days, but from this verse it is pretty clear that we are not to be arguing for no reason.  General grouchiness can lead to arguments and disagreements that would never have to take place if we thought about our approach beforehand. It is easy to get into the habit of complaining.  In essence, complaining can be like arguing.  You grumble around to anyone who might have “slighted” you somehow.  Whenever we are arguing, complaining, or grumbling, we can easily loose sight of our blessings.  No matter our circumstance, we always have blessings.  Sometimes we might have to look harder than others, but they are always there.  All blessings come from above.  If we are arguing or being negative, we are essentially complaining to God.  Do we really want to say to God that we don’t think his blessings are sufficient?  When we frame it in this light, we quickly see how silly our arguing is.

lady walking away from man stopping complaining
Photo by Keira Burton from Pexels

Another problem that can arise if we choose to argue, grumble, complain or be negative is that people tune us out or don’t take our concerns seriously.  It might be rolling through their head that it is just another one of our petty complaints.  Do we want our legitimate concerns to be thought of as meaningless?  If we want to avoid this, Scripture is pretty clear here in Proverbs.  Don’t argue when you haven’t been hurt! Don’t justify all your misunderstanding or unhappiness as being hurt so you think it gives you a reason to argue.  Save those moments for when you really need to express your concern in earnest.  Show gratitude and mind your thoughts so that we don’t get in the habit of being chronically unhappy and complainy.  That is surely not what God wants for our lives. 

235524: ESV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition--soft leather-look, brown ESV MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition–soft leather-look, brown

May God guide my words and your thoughts as we study these verses together.  I hope you have found inspiration and insight into these selected verses as I did when I read them.  Maybe it spoke to you in a completely different way than it did for me.  That’s okay and I would love to hear from you.  That’s the beauty of Scripture.  Life experiences can enhance the way we see the Word of God.  My desire for this journey is that we can build a stronger relationship with Christ and give ourselves some practical words to guide our way. 

God be with you and I on this Journey through Proverbs.  Until next time…Happy Reading!

3 Replies to “My Journey through Proverbs

  1. Life is to short to live it in an unhappy and complaining way. It certainly doesn’t help your disposition or that of anyone you are in contact with when you are constantly acting and responding in a negative crabby manner. Blessings are everywhere, all we have to do is just look around, the blue sky, the shinning sun, the birds in the sky or at a feeder, a smiling face, a simple hug, the love of family, and the list goes on and on with the simple things in life. God blesses us each day with the gift of life and he also grants us the ability to choose how we will live it. I was once told by a teacher of mine “That I make my own sunshine”. That has always stuck with me and I have tried to live my life with that motto as best I can with God’s help. A smile is such a simple thing to share!

    1. You are so right Judy! Blessings are everywhere and they usually are the simple things. Glad you were able to find insight into these selections. May God bless you!

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