Speaking for Myself by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

person laying down reading a book

There is not enough time in the day to read all the books I want to read. šŸ˜Š With that being said, I try to find as much time as possible to read.  Itā€™s an escape to anotherā€™s fictional world, a way to learn something new or to see behind the scenes of someoneā€™s life.  Of course, on my Christmas list there is always a lengthy list of books I would love to read.  This year, Speaking for Myself by Sarah Huckabee Sanders https://amzn.to/3bYWXoC was one of those coveted selections. Lucky for me, I received it from my wonderful sister.  šŸ˜Š

Earlier in the Fall, I discovered she had written a book and was intrigued because I find her to be a fascinating person.  If you are unfamiliar with who she is, Sarah is a mother first and foremost, a woman of faith, and was our Nationā€™s Press Secretary.  Learning about other peopleā€™s journey in life whether I just happen to meet them in public or get to know them through the pages of a book is truly a gift.  I was excited when I received it, but I was blown away once I read it.  Sarah delved into topics we can all relate to no matter who we are.

typewriter with words typed stories matter

This book is a magnificent account of her life.  It chronicles how she grew up, what was important to her and their family from childhood to young adulthood.  She attributes all of these experiences to what has made her into the woman she is today.  Even though, many of us would consider her job super stressful (and I canā€™t imagine it was not), it was something that she loved.  Donā€™t we all long for that in our life?  A job with purpose no matter what that job might be.  Most of us want to be accepted and treated fairly as we perform our jobs; she was no different.  She spoke how just because she was a woman in her position, she didnā€™t want people to treat her differently than anyone else.  She gave insight how this desire was realized while she was the Press Secretary.  Donā€™t we all hunger for that kind of acceptance? 

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day: Photos of the badass moms who  celebrated ā€” Quartz
Picture found on qz.com

One really important thing I learned about Sarah Huckabee Sanders is something I can wholeheartedly relate to.  She is a mother above all else and that title is what is most important to her.  I have felt the same way.  No matter what my ā€œjobā€ is at the time I fully believe that my most important job is being a mother to my children.  Sometimes, I feel like that is lost in todayā€™s world of career advancement, but she struggled with it nonetheless and made tough choices because of her conviction.

Throughout the story, you can see that Sarah did not shy away from expressing her convictions.  Sheā€™s refreshingly unapologetic for sticking to her beliefs.  Sarah grew up in a Christian home and she used her faith as a compass throughout her life.  Throughout her career, she had many experiences that would test a person, and she let her faith lead her response.  Simply through her actions, she is an example of how a faith makes such a difference in the decisions we make every day.

Loyal, compassionate, caring, fun-loving, willing to show up for you when others might leave you behind, are all qualities that Sarah freely expresses to people she calls her friend. Without even trying, she is an example for us all to try hard to demonstrate those qualities with our friends.  Having that kind of friend can be a rare gift; someone who is in your corner through the good, bad and all life in between. 

Sanders lovingly speaks about her marriage with her husband Bryan.  She talks about how she wouldnā€™t want to go through lifeā€™s journey with anyone else.  She expresses the struggles we all face from time to time as a couple.  She gets real about how they are there for each other especially when times were crazy and hectic.  How without each other, they would not be able to do the things in life they feel called to do.  In todayā€™s world, it is wonderful to read about a story of marital commitment.  Her words speak to the testament of how comforting and wonderful it is to have a partner that supports you, encourages you and wants the best for you.  The sacrifices that committed husbands and wives make for each other to honor their vows flows from her. 

From page to page and story to story, you see Sarahā€™s endearing qualities revealed.  Sarah was not ā€œtooting her own hornā€, but through her writing, you can see the kind of person she is and has become.  She provided an honesty about her life experiences that is commendable.  There were times when I was reading where I was laughing while other times, I was so moved by her experiences all the while getting a behind the scenes view that none of us see.  I had an even greater appreciation for her and others she worked with.  Her job and position never changed Sarah.  Just by being herself, she affected people around her.  She continued to live by the principles that led her to that place in time. It was such a great biography; it surpassed my high expectation! https://amzn.to/3bYWXoC I encourage everyone to read her life story.  I know you will learn things about her and see that no matter who we are in this world, we all seem to face the same joys and challenges. It is truly inspired writing, and I canā€™t wait to see what great things she pursues in the future.

58 Replies to “Speaking for Myself by Sarah Huckabee Sanders

    1. In the book you get to see a side of Trump that the press never portrays. This book was wonderful! Hope you get a chance to read it.

    1. She is such an incredible lady. It is terrible how the press and others who disagreed with policy thought they could treat her, but she was a strong and determined and Christian women who handled herself with class.

  1. I keep a running list of books I want to read. I’m definitely adding this to the list. Thank you for your recommendation.

  2. I love reading about how people grew up, and agree on your comment about marriage!
    As a mom myself, I often find it hard to balance working and parenting. Day to day it can be a struggle. This book sounds like a good read and something relatable.

    1. I’m so glad that you are inspired to read it because it is such a fabulous book. She is a really inspirational woman. Many great things to learn.

  3. You are so correct, we can relate to Sarah. Being a wife, mother, grandmother and a businesswoman myself, it does pull at what you have to get done in a day and still be there for your family. Also being a spiritual motivator, I too had to stand my ground for what was right when it came to the youth and young adults I was mentoring/motivating. You learn that sometimes to do the right thing, you may have to stand alone.

    1. So very well said! Being there for my family is my most important goal but it can be a real balance. Also, standing firm isn’t always easy and like you said can be lonely sometimes. It is always encouraging to learn about and from others that those of us with similar goals no matter what job we hold often experience the same emotions. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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